Dan in the News
A Selection of Media Resources to Sharpen Your Conflict Resolution Know-How

Talking Politics
How Do You Negotiate the Nonnegotiable?
Fascinating interview of Dan with famed host Marty Moss-Coane of WHYY Radio
NPR’s “In It Together”
Get some tips to navigate difficult discussions around the pandemic and the election
Talking Politics without Ruining Relationships — Dan interview in Oprah’s Magazine
Get some tips to listen with less anger, argue with more grace, and find a way to higher ground
The United States of Emotion — a CNN Exclusive Report
Check out Dan’s advice for bridging political tensions with family and friends.
Overcoming the Political Divides (Dan’s video that’s gone viral)
Dan offers three practical tools to reduce polarizations in the U.S.
How to Resolve Any Conflict — Even Nasty Political Ones
Dan describes in detail how to talk tough politics–without giving in
Why We are So Addicted to Divisive Politics
Dan’s article in Time Magazine
How to Negotiate with a Reprehensible Adversary
BBC interview with Dan