“Written in the same remarkable vein as Getting To Yes, this book is a masterpiece.”
Dr. Steven R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

“A must read for anyone who negotiates-which is to say for all of us.”
Elena Kagan, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; former dean of Harvard Law School; and former associate counsel to the president
How should you deal with emotions as you negotiate?
Discover the surprising answer in Beyond Reason. In this negotiation classic, you’ll learn
how to use emotions to turn a disagreement- big or small, professional or personal – into
an opportunity for mutual gain. You will discover five powerful “core concerns” that lie at
the heart of most emotional challenges: appreciation, autonomy, affiliation, status, and
role. And more importantly, you will learn how to address these concerns to improve
your relationships and get the results you want.
Beyond Reason has helped countless organizations, leaders, and families around the
world improve the way they negotiate, and it has shifted the way people understand how
to negotiate. It builds on previous work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, the group that
wrote the groundbreaking bestseller Getting to Yes. World-renowned negotiators Roger
Fisher and Daniel Shapiro teamed up to bring you this indispensable bestseller.